professional development for recovery peer support specialist training johnson city

Professional Development for Peer Support Workers

Professional development training classes designed specifically for peer recovery support workers

Registration fees support JCRC to keep our services free for those in recovery

What is a Peer Support Specialist?

According to Wikipedia

“A peer support specialist is a person with “lived experience” who has been trained to support those who struggle with mental health, psychological trauma, or substance use. Their personal experience of these challenges provide peer support specialists with expertise that professional training cannot replicate.

Some roles filled by peer support specialists include assisting their peers in articulating their goals for recovery, learning and practicing new skills, helping them monitor their progress, supporting them in their treatment, modeling effective coping techniques and self-help strategies based on the specialist’s own recovery experience, supporting them in advocating for themselves to obtain effective services, and developing and implementing recovery plans.”

How our Peer Support Professional Development Training Helps

In the role of a peer support worker, understanding the nuances of effectively communicating with individuals from various backgrounds is paramount. Being able to empathize, listen actively, and provide non-judgmental support form the pillars of successful peer support work. It is essential to embrace diversity and recognize the unique challenges that each person may face. By creating a safe and inclusive environment, peer support workers can foster trust and empower individuals on their journey towards healing and personal growth.

Our Professional Development Training for Peer Support Workers offers a holistic and impactful experience, guiding you through a transformative journey to not only enhance your existing skills but also to empower you with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic field of peer support.

By actively engaging in the process of learning and acquiring new skills, you not only deepen your connection to the work you are truly passionate about, but also pave the way for personal growth and professional success. Embracing the opportunity to expand your skill set and knowledge base allows you to elevate your ability to offer meaningful and effective support, ultimately making a profound difference in the community of those you serve.

Our Professional Development Training for Peer Support Workers

Our professional development training classes are designed to empower Peer Support Specialists and individuals passionate about peer support with advanced skills and knowledge to further enhance their ability to provide effective support in peer-related fields.

Ethical Considerations Training

October 28th-30th 10:00am-4:00pm



  • Understand what ethics are and why ethics are so important when performing Recovery Coach Services
  • Learn how to stay in your lane as a recovery coach
  • Understand the decision-making process
  • Develop guidelines for making ethical decisions
  • Apply the new learning to your everyday work as a Recovery Coach

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